Document your steps in no time

Simple yet powerful software to create software operating procedures, process tasks, step-by-step guides and manuals and share with your coleagues and customers

What can you do with Stepsy?


Train employees


Share knowledge

Delegate tasks

Create knowledge base articles

Deliver documentation for clients

Document business processes



Way faster then

capture -> edit -> paste


Stepsy captures screenshots on every mouse click. Then it highlights the place of your click. Also, it automatically removes duplicates.  

The new way of capturing the process 

Take a screenshot with every click

Go through the procedure and get a nicely-styled manual ready in only a few minutes. StepShot generates step by step descriptions without you even typing text manually.

We automatically remove any duplicates

Stepsy automatically removes duplicate steps in case you clicked somewhere twise, or in case a few actions happened on the same screen.

Share captured process in various formats 

Share your guides online via Google Drive: use GDrive, export to PDF, Word. Save captured images locally in a zip file, or as a static HTML page.  

Perfect for

IT Operations TEAM

Automatically document any process. Create user guides, knowledge base articles and SOPs in just minutes

Enterprise consultants

Successfully onboard your clients and make them highly rate your work with the help of quick step-by-step guides

CEOs and Founders

Automate the way you delegate tasks and organize employee training saving time for decision making process.

HRs and Trainers

Create simple step-by-step guides and training videos to ensure outstanding employee training process.

Ready to capture your first process?